Tag Archives: ladybug

Sunset Cloud Bureau

This four drawer bureau is number 3 in my “Cloud Chest” series.  The sun is hovering at the horizon with a a purple glow that bounces off the low lying clouds around all three sides.  I painted three autumn leaves in Trompe L’oeil style on the cream colored top and tried to use only the colors from the sunset in the leaves while still having three distinctly different colored flora. There is a ladybug as my signature critter.   The “slats’ across the drawer fronts are actually solid pieces of carved wood.  Sorry but this piece sold immediately in the first show in which I presented it.  It stands 37″ tall and is 26″ X 15”.

Pansies on a Wooden Bucket

This hand painted wooden pot is 5″ tall and can hold anything you want like a 5″ plant, or your colored pencils (not included), or pretty hand towels in the guest bathroom, or utensils and napkins on the dinner table. I had such fun painting a wide range of flowers on it. There are a dozen varieties of Pansies among the 16 hand painted blossoms, plus several buds, fading flowers, leaves, seed pods and one burst open seed pod. I painted a lovely fat honey bee and a lady bug. Pansies are very special flowers! Not only do they have a multitude of faces and colors but they are very happy in the cold! I set them on the front stoop while snow is still melting! Yay Spring!! Contact me through this site if you are interested in purchasing this item for $50 including shipping and handling within the United States. I will include a small plastic liner so that you may use it as a jardiniere if desired.

Cloud chest withAutumn leaves

This vintage chest of drawers is painted on all sides with a summer sky full of clouds.  I rescued the dresser from the back of a garage where it sat badly damaged and painted bright yellow and orange along with words and peace signs.  I stripped it down and had some repair work done before starting my transformation.  For a little added interest I painted early autumn leaves on the top in a Trompe L’oeil style. Even my husband, who knows what I do, tried to brush these leaves away when he first saw them!   I painted a few leaves on the bottom of the skirt too. Did you find my signature insect?  Hint, it’s on a leaf!  Also, included in this cluster of photos is a second chest I did with a winter sky.  Can you see how the simple change in the depth of the blues changes the season?  By the way, the female body vase sitting on top of the chest is also a piece of my art work.