Hydrangea Table set

This pair of tables were painted with crisp Hydrangeas on a soft focus background. The tables can be placed with either one on the left and the flowers still join up, so no, I have not included a duplicate photo.  Look close and you see the two ways to line up the tables. The bases of the tables are painted in blues and greens and a hint of deep peach.  You may have noticed the bee, but can you find the lady bug?

After Walking the Dog table

This little table is about 12″ square and 3 feet tall. It is painted in Trompe L’oeil style to look like someone has left behind evidence of walking the dog.   Looking down on the top of the table you see the leash that was ‘dropped’ there along with a few pretty stones which the walker collected. The leash was painted to resemble the actual leash owned by the client.  One of the stones on the table top is a piece of soapstone, another is river polished marble.   On the lower shelf is the old tennis ball the dog was playing with, along with a maple leaf.   I used the original red surface and only embellished it with objects.  Just a little surprise; ants crawling up the side! Have you noticed I try to have some sort of critter somewhere in everything I paint?   Sometimes you will find a lady bug or dragon fly beside my signature, which in this case is inside the drawer.

Doll Rocker with butterflies in Princess colors

This little doll rocker is only 19 inches tall and 9 inches across the back. I painted it in what I think of as princess colors; bright pinks, purples and blues with gold highlights. The seat and the seat back are painted with pretty, stylized butterflies and gold scrolls that match the little cushion which I made from my inspiration quilt fabric.  The cushion can be tied on the seat or up against the spindles if desired. See how cute the chair looks with a little handmade doll seated on it?  You can get a sense of the size of the rocker in the photo which shows it up against an easy chair.

It is for sale @ $60 which includes shipping and handling.  If you are interested in possibly purchasing of this piece or  you want to know more about this piece  Send me an email or leave a comment.

Table with Scrabble-like Game Board and Faux Marble

This vintage table was probably designed to hold a television back when televisions were big and fat, but as soon as I saw it I knew it had a higher purpose! It stands 27 1/2 inches tall and its top is 24″ X 21″. And it does something special!  The whole top turns 360 degrees in BOTH directions!!! What better use than to play Scrabble on!!!  I painted a faux pink marble top with a regulation size Scrabble-like board centered in the middle. Yes, I know, there are no labels on the pink, red and blue squares, but if you love to play Scrabble then you know what the colors mean without the labels, right?   I also painted all four of the table’s side skirts with soft pink wild roses for a touch of charm.  It is sturdy with legs that can be easily unscrewed and removed for transport.

Do you want to know more about this piece? Send me an email or leave a comment.

Click the link ‘Sue Banks on Etsy’ if you are interested in possibly purchasing of this piece.