This little table is about 12″ square and 3 feet tall. It is painted in Trompe L’oeil style to look like someone has left behind evidence of walking the dog. Looking down on the top of the table you see the leash that was ‘dropped’ there along with a few pretty stones which the walker collected. The leash was painted to resemble the actual leash owned by the client. One of the stones on the table top is a piece of soapstone, another is river polished marble. On the lower shelf is the old tennis ball the dog was playing with, along with a maple leaf. I used the original red surface and only embellished it with objects. Just a little surprise; ants crawling up the side! Have you noticed I try to have some sort of critter somewhere in everything I paint? Sometimes you will find a lady bug or dragon fly beside my signature, which in this case is inside the drawer.