Holiday Stockings with Dinosaurs

This third set of large personalized holiday stockings was created completely from scratch for a family with a young son. When the family requested dinosaurs, I had a moment of hesitation and then a burst of inspiration. Dinosaurs must have enjoyed playing in the snow, right?  And they would have build snowosaurs wouldn’t they?  Do you see it???   This cat with the red satin ribbon bow and Chickadees  was based on a beloved pet.  I really like the birch trees and the antlered reindeer for the Dad    I placed the painted cotton fabric on quilt batting and machine quilted around the larger areas, and stitched straight lines of quilting on the back side.  The approximately 16″ tall stockings have a satiny lining and a cuff on the top with the painted name name of each family member.  A sturdy loop is stitched into the top back edge.  If you are interested in having me paint stockings for your family please contact me through this site. Orders for this year’s holiday season must be received before October 31 of the current year.  4 stockings for $400, 2 for $250.

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