Category Archives: Small things

Wooden Trays with Floral Motifs

These three trays are painted with three different and striking floral motifs.  Deep purple tulips wave in the wind on one of them.  Water lilies slick with water densely pack another tray.  I painted the lilies with the goal of capturing the memory of dragging my hand, as a child, through the slippery carpets of saucer shaped leaves while on a canoe ride on a New Hampshire lake.  The third tray is filled with delicately painted Hydrangeas. You may have noticed that this is a favorite flower of mine and I have done them in many styles over the years.  Of course there is a bug on each tray!

Lilies and Petunias Garden Painting


These intense Petunias, Day Lilies and a Monarch Butterfly are painted on a 12″ square canvas.  Although I rarely paint on canvas I did this one with the goal of capturing the cropped effect close up photos have.  I have received a great many positive reviews on this unusual (for me) item.  I have placed this painting in a wooden frame with a purple stain. It is available with or without this frame.

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