Category Archives: Commisioned Work

Dragon Battle on a Bass Guitar

This bass guitar began as a Do-it-yourself kit; a project to be assembled and completed by a father and son.  I was asked to embellish the surface of the guitar body with dragons.   The son and I worked together to plan the dragon battle.  Painting fire was a nice new element for me!  I added the images at the top of the neck to unify the whole piece by painting a newborn dragon coming out of his shell along with my signature insect.  Of course it is a Dragonfly! Father and son did all the finishing coats of sealants and polishing.

For the Love of Bikes Box

Now for something a little different.  This wooden file box was another fun commission.  My assignment was simply bicycles.  Of course I wanted a variety of bikes! I put a sweet one with a basket of flowers on the top and a tandem bicycle on the front. On the sides I painted a high wheeled penny-farthing and a mid century bike.  The unicycle  on the back is in tribute to my two granddaughters who ride their unicycles with aplomb!  The mint green and cream background stripes unify the whole piece.