A branch of deep pink Crab Apple blossoms adorn this 11″ X 8″ X 3″ wooden box. I began by painting the entire exterior as a pale green and yellow marble with a candy pink interior. The abundantly lush flowers are painted from photos of a tree in my own yard. A bee is on the top and a Lunar moth is inside the cover.
Category Archives: Featured Work
Elegant Dragon
An elegant dragon painted for an elegant young lady who loves dragons! Acrylic on canvas 24″ X18″. If you are interested in something custom painted for you please contact me through this site.
For the Love of Bikes Box
Now for something a little different. This wooden file box was another fun commission. My assignment was simply bicycles. Of course I wanted a variety of bikes! I put a sweet one with a basket of flowers on the top and a tandem bicycle on the front. On the sides I painted a high wheeled penny-farthing and a mid century bike. The unicycle on the back is in tribute to my two granddaughters who ride their unicycles with aplomb! The mint green and cream background stripes unify the whole piece.
Kiss a Lot of Frogs Stool
I had a lot of fun painting this step stool for a little girl named Fiona. Frogs are so wonderful to paint! I put in lots of pond-life with butterflies, dragon flies and wild flowers. Did you find the Frog Prince???